Opening dates, closing dates, and all limitations are defined each year by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and are subject to change. Big game hunting season dates, limitations, and regulations are established each year in April or early May. Therefore, we recommend consulting the Wyoming Game and Fish Department for this year's season specifics, dates, and regulations.
However, the following dates are typical and can be used as a general guideline for our areas.
- Antelope - Archery Season begins September 1st; Rifle Season begins September 15th
- Big Horn Sheep - Archery Season begins August 15th; Rifle Season begins September 1st
- Black Bear - Spring Archery Season begins April 15th and Spring Rifle Season begins May 1st; Fall Archery Season begins September 1st and Fall Rifle Season begins October 1st depending on quota
- Deer - Archery Season begins September 1st; Rifle Season begins October 1st
- Elk - Archery Season begins September 1st; Rifle Season begins October 15th
- Moose - Archery Season begins September 1st; Rifle Season begins October 1st and runs through November 14th
- Mountain Lion - Archery/Rifle Season begin September 1 and runs through August 31st depending on quota
In order to ensure client satisfaction, Romios Outfitters prefers consulting each prospective hunter to answer questions and tailor individual hunting experiences. Because hunters can completely customize their own experience, prices vary depending on individual needs and preferences. CONTACT US today to explore your specific options and the prices associated with them.